
Exporting a notebook to a library



 ExportModuleProc ()

A processor which exports code to a module

Specify dest where the module(s) will be exported to, and optionally a class to use to create the module (ModuleMaker, by default).

Exported cells are stored in a dict called modules, where the keys are the modules exported to. Those without an explicit module are stored in the '#' key, which will be exported to default_exp.

everything_fn = '../../tests/01_everything.ipynb'

exp = ExportModuleProc()
proc = NBProcessor(everything_fn, exp)
test_eq(exp.default_exp, 'everything')
assert 'print_function'  in exp.modules['#'][1].source
assert 'h_n' in exp.in_all['some.thing'][0].source

Optional export processors



 black_format (cell, force=False)

Processor to format code with black

Type Default Details
cell Cell to format
force bool False Turn black formatting on regardless of settings.ini
_cell = read_nb('../../tests/export_procs.ipynb')['cells'][0]
black_format(_cell, force=True)
test_eq(_cell.source, 'j = [1, 2, 3]')



 scrub_magics (cell)

Processor to remove cell magics from exported code

cell Cell to format

scrub_magics is a processor that scrubs the jupyter “magics” lines out of exported cells. This can be helpful when using tools like sparkmagic or just Jupyter’s builtin magics in an nbdev project.

This behavior can be enabled by passing scrub_magics into the --procs flag of the nbdev_export command. - nbdev_export --procs scrub_magics - nbdev_export --procs 'scrub_magics black_format'


A cell like below could export the line "hello nbdev" into the bar module. And the %%spark magic line would be omitted.

#|export bar
"hello nbdev"

It will export as something similar to this:

# %% ../path/to/01_bar.ipynb 1
"hello nbdev"
_cell = read_nb('../../tests/export_procs.ipynb')['cells'][2]
test_eq(_cell.source, '''#|export bar
"hello nbdev"''')



 optional_procs ()

An explicit list of processors that could be used by nb_export

# every optional processor should be explicitly listed here
test_eq(optional_procs(), ['black_format', 'scrub_magics'])




 nb_export (nbname:str, lib_path:str=None, procs=None, name:str=None,
            mod_maker=<class 'nbdev.maker.ModuleMaker'>, debug:bool=False,

Create module(s) from notebook

Type Default Details
nbname str Filename of notebook
lib_path str None Path to destination library. If not in a nbdev project, defaults to current directory.
procs NoneType None Processors to use
name str None Name of python script {name}.py to create.
mod_maker type ModuleMaker
debug bool False Debug mode
solo_nb bool False Export single notebook outside of an nbdev project.

Let’s check we can import a test file:

shutil.rmtree('tmp', ignore_errors=True)
nb_export('../../tests/00_some.thing.ipynb', 'tmp')

g = exec_new('import tmp.some.thing')
test_eq(g['tmp'].some.thing.__all__, ['a'])
test_eq(g['tmp'].some.thing.a, 1)

We’ll also check that our ‘everything’ file exports correctly:

nb_export(everything_fn, 'tmp')

g = exec_new('import tmp.everything; from tmp.everything import *')
_alls = L("a b d e m n o p q".split())
for s in _alls.map("{}_y"): assert s in g, s
for s in "c_y_nall _f_y_nall g_n h_n i_n j_n k_n l_n".split(): assert s not in g, s
for s in _alls.map("{}_y") + ["c_y_nall", "_f_y_nall"]: assert hasattr(g['tmp'].everything,s), s

That notebook should also export one extra function to tmp.some.thing:

del(sys.modules['tmp.some.thing']) # remove from module cache
g = exec_new('import tmp.some.thing')
test_eq(g['tmp'].some.thing.__all__, ['a','h_n'])
test_eq(g['tmp'].some.thing.h_n(), None)

g = exec_new('import nbdev.export')
assert hasattr(g['nbdev'].export, 'nb_export')