
Configuring nbdev and bootstrapping notebook export

Configuring nbdev

nbdev is heavily customizeable, thanks to the configuration system defined in this module. There are 2 ways to interact with nbdev’s config:

Read on for more about how these work.



 nbdev_create_config (repo:str=None, branch:str=None, user:str=None,
                      author:str=None, author_email:str=None,
                      description:str=None, path:str='.',
                      cfg_name:str='settings.ini', lib_name='%(repo)s',
                      custom_sidebar:<function bool_arg>=False,
                      doc_path:pathlib.Path='_docs', tst_flags='notest',
                      doc_baseurl='/%(repo)s', keywords='nbdev jupyter
                      notebook python', license='apache2',
                      copyright:str=None, status='3', min_python='3.7',
                      audience='Developers', language='English',
                      recursive:<function bool_arg>=True,
                      black_formatting:<function bool_arg>=False,
                      readme_nb='index.ipynb', title='%(lib_name)s',
                      jupyter_hooks:<function bool_arg>=False,
                      clean_ids:<function bool_arg>=True,
                      clear_all:<function bool_arg>=False,
                      cell_number:<function bool_arg>=True,
                      put_version_in_init:<function bool_arg>=True,

Create a config file.

Type Default Details
repo str None Repo name
branch str None Repo default branch
user str None Repo username
author str None Package author’s name
author_email str None Package author’s email address
description str None Short summary of the package
path str . Path to create config file
cfg_name str settings.ini Name of config file to create
lib_name str %(repo)s Package name
git_url str Repo URL
custom_sidebar bool_arg False Use a custom sidebar.yml?
nbs_path Path nbs Path to notebooks
lib_path Path None Path to package root (default: repo with - replaced by _)
doc_path Path _docs Path to rendered docs
tst_flags str notest Test flags
version str 0.0.1 Version of this release
doc_host str https://%(user) Hostname for docs
doc_baseurl str /%(repo)s Base URL for docs
keywords str nbdev jupyter notebook python Package keywords
license str apache2 License for the package
copyright str None Copyright for the package, defaults to ‘current_year onwards, author
status str 3 Development status PyPI classifier
min_python str 3.7 Minimum Python version PyPI classifier
audience str Developers Intended audience PyPI classifier
language str English Language PyPI classifier
recursive bool_arg True Include subfolders in notebook globs?
black_formatting bool_arg False Format libraries with black?
readme_nb str index.ipynb Notebook to export as repo readme
title str %(lib_name)s Quarto website title
allowed_metadata_keys str Preserve the list of keys in the main notebook metadata
allowed_cell_metadata_keys str Preserve the list of keys in cell level metadata
jupyter_hooks bool_arg False Run Jupyter hooks?
clean_ids bool_arg True Remove ids from plaintext reprs?
clear_all bool_arg False Remove all cell metadata and cell outputs?
cell_number bool_arg True Add cell number to the exported file
put_version_in_init bool_arg True Add the version to the main in nbdev_export
skip_procs str A comma-separated list of processors that you want to skip

The table above also serves as a full reference of nbdev’s settings (excluding the path and cfg_name parameters which decide where the config file is saved). For more about PyPI classifiers, see Classifiers.

You can create a config file by passing all of the required settings via the command line, as well as any optional settings you’d like to override, for example:

nbdev_create_config --repo nbdev --user fastai --author fastai \
                    --author_email [email protected] --description 'A test project'

If you don’t provide required settings from the command line, we’ll try to to infer them from git and GitHub. Finally, you’ll be asked to manually input any required settings that we couldn’t automatically fill in.



 get_config (cfg_name='settings.ini', path=None)

Return nbdev config.

Searches up from path until cfg_name is found. User settings are loaded from ~/.config/nbdev/{cfg_name}. Unspecified optional settings return defaults.

See nbdev_create_config for a full reference of nbdev’s settings.

cfg = get_config()

cfg is a fastcore Config object, so you can access keys as attributes:

p = Path.cwd().parent.parent
test_eq(cfg.lib_name, 'nbdev')
test_eq(cfg.git_url, '')

Its own path and parent are attributes too:

test_eq(cfg.config_path, p)
test_eq(cfg.config_file, p/'settings.ini')

Paths are relative to the project:

test_eq(cfg.doc_path, p/'_docs')
test_eq(cfg.lib_path, p/'nbdev')
test_eq(cfg.nbs_path, p/'nbs')

It automatically returns defaults for keys not specified in the config file. Here we create an empty config file and access lib_path and copyright even though they weren’t explicitly defined:

with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d, working_directory(d):
    Config('.', 'test_settings.ini', {'repo': 'my-project', 'author': 'fastai', 'nbs_path': 'nbs'});
    cfg = get_config('test_settings.ini', '.')
    test_eq(cfg.repo, 'my-project')
    test_eq(, 'my_project')

In fact, you can return a default config even if you don’t have a settings file. This is to support certain nbdev commands work outside of nbdev repos:

cfg = get_config('test_settings.ini', '.')
test_eq(cfg.lib_path, Path('nbdev').resolve())
test_eq(cfg.nbs_path, Path('nbs').resolve())

You can customise nbdev for all repositories for your user with a ~/.config/nbdev/settings.ini file (by default, although we follow the broader XDG specification). For example, you could globally disable nbdev’s Jupyter hooks by creating a user settings file with jupyter_hooks = False.



 config_key (c, default=None, path=True, missing_ok=None)

Deprecated: use get_config().get or get_config().path instead.




 is_nbdev ()



 create_output (txt, mime)

Add a cell output containing txt of the mime text MIME sub-type



 show_src (src, lang='python')
show_src("print(create_output('text', 'text/plain'))")
print(create_output('text', 'text/plain'))

Exporting a basic module



 add_init (path=None)

Add in all subdirs of path containing python files if it’s not there already.



 update_version (path=None)

Add or update __version__ in the main of the library.

Python modules require a __init.py__ file in all directories that are modules. We assume that all directories containing a python file (including in subdirectories of any depth) is a module, and therefore add a to each.

with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d:
    d = Path(d)
    assert not (d/'a/c'/_init).exists(), "Should not add init to dir without py file"
    for e in [d, d/'a', d/'a/b']: assert (e/_init).exists(),f"Missing init in {e}"



 write_cells (cells, hdr, file, offset=0, cell_number=True, solo_nb=False)

Write cells to file along with header hdr starting at index offset (mainly for nbdev internal use).

This is a simple exporter with just enough functionality to correctly export this notebook, in order to bootstrap the creation of nbdev itself.